What is Interfaith Photovoice?
Interfaith photovoice combines amateur photography and sociology in pursuit of a new approach to interfaith engagement and understanding. Over the last four years, our projects brought together Christians and Muslims for conversations about where their faith shows up in their everyday lives, the challenges they face in their communities, and the changes they would like to pursue to make the world a better place. These interactions are facilitated through discussions of photographs taken by participants. Projects culminate in a photography exhibition designed to extend the group’s conversations and concerns to their broader community.
A typical project invites participants to respond to a series of prompts with photographs, which are subsequently discussed during weekly meetings:
What do your religious beliefs, practices, and values look like in everyday life?
What challenges do you face in your community because of your beliefs, practices, and values?
What would you like to change about your community to make it a better place for people of all religions?
During a typical meeting, participants take turns describing and discussing their photographs with the goal of identifying shared experiences, needs, and concerns. Often these conversations are structured by a series of questions represented with the acrostic S.H.O.W.’D., developed by photovoice pioneers Caroline Wang and Mary Ann Burris.
S – What do you See?
H – What is really Happening here?
O – How does this relate to Our lives?
W – Why does this situation, concern, or strength exist?
D – What can we Do about it?
This sequence of questions leads participants through a process of discovery and collaboration that not only identifies shared experiences, needs, and concerns, but also involves them in developing solutions.
As we facilitated these projects, we observed an important process unfolding. Participants learned to see the world through one another’s lenses. They progressed from curiosity to understanding. Insights gave way to empathy, and a sense of shared purpose emerged as participants identified mutual concerns and aspirations. Collaboration occurred around a common goal of sharing the themes that emerged from their project with their families, friends, and communities. The process helped people see differently, empathize with one another, collaborate, and engage their communities.
Activity 2 | Create a Religiously Diverse Small Group
An important component of interfaith photovoice is gathering a group of people who come from different religious backgrounds. Along with the person you identified as an ally in the last activity, work together to identify and recruit 2–4 additional people who will add to the diversity of your group. It is best to include at least two people from each religion in your group.
Start with people you know. Explain that you are putting together a small group of people from different religious backgrounds with the intent of building bridges in your workplace, school, or community. Tell them what you know about interfaith photovoice. And schedule a time when everyone in your group can have an initial meeting to discuss what it would look like to meet on a regular basis for conversations about religion in everyday life, the challenges faced by religious people in your context, and the changes that would make for a better organization or community.
If you are not ready to take this step yet, that is alright. You can still learn about photovoice by continuing to do the activities recommended in the blog. Continue on your interfaith photovoice journey with your trusted companion while being open to add others to your groups when the time is right.